Online Invoicing and Billing Software

Many Business Verticals,
One Umbrella Invoice Software

Are you tired of managing different invoice accounts for each of your business? You’re just one step away from setting up the multi-business account for your business.

  • Add Multiple Business
  • Manage Multiple Staff
  • One Profit/Loss Statement
  • Manage Multiple Clients

Multi-Company : Business Challenges

  • Struggled invoice

  • Scattered client

  • Confused teams with
    delayed communication

Multiple business invoicing
  • Poorly expense

  • Difficult Financial
    Analysis & Forecast

  • Managing exact
    Profit & Loss

Looking for a Perfect Solution?

Multi-Business Invoicing in a Single Invoiceduck Account

A profitable enterprise runs on many business verticals together. As an entrepreneur you need to focus on all your business verticals at the same time. Do not hassle anymore about managing cash flow of different verticals separately.

Now, easily manage profit and loss reports of all the accounts together. One common account to accommodate all your dashboards.

One Account, Many Dashboards!

Set up multiple business accounts for your primary and secondary businesses. Easily accessible single account to fit in all your different business verticals in different dashboards, under one roof!

  • Add as many businesses as you want.
  • No more need of different invoice accounts
  • Easily generate compiled profit and loss statements.
  • Eradicate from files undue expenses.
  • Easy management with zero invested extra hours.

Delightfully Easy Team Management!

Simply add and assign staff for all the different verticals in the same account. Ensure no confusion and efficiently smooth processes.

  • Assign multiple staff to different clients
  • Easily track project growth from one account.
  • Set permissions with conditions.

Invoice approval Process With Invoiceduck

Send accurate invoices in one go for all your business from the same account. Include your team every time you send an invoice and be double sure for each invoice that you send.

The Invoice Approval Workflow:

  • Enable Invoice Approval Process
  • Select Business Requirements
  • Define Approval Authorities (staff)
  • Send Invoice to Staff For Approval
  • Approved Invoices Will be Automatically Sent to The Clients.

Advanced Features With 100% Security.

3 Layers of added security to prevent your account from any unwanted intruders.

  • Data Backup and Security
  • Keep your data safe and secure with Invoiceduck, enterprise invoice software from any theft, loss and intrusion.
  • Ongoing support and updates
  • 24*7 support and regular updates to keep your software free from technical glitches.
  • 2 Factor Authentication
  • Keep your account safe by enabling 2 factor authentication. A unique code-based authentication to keep your Invoiceduck account secure.
  • Security Question Login
  • 8 personal security questions asked at the time of login to make login secure and highly personal.
  • Save IP Address (Staff)
  • Save staff IP address to restrict login to specific employee systems.

Keen To Add Multiple Businesses In The Same Account?

What Our Clients Say

  • client_feedback_thumb
  • client_feedback_thumb
  • Invoiceduck provides me extremely impressive invoicing features at reasonable cost. It creates professional looking invoices with ease. Now, I can create & track invoices and get paid faster anytime anywhere. Not too many settings or functions required, invoicing is done efficiently at no cost.

    "Brandon Cook"
  • I'm really pleased with the Invoiceduck mobile app. Instead of using various other methods of communication, timekeeping, invoicing, reports and keeping tracks of projects and much more. Invoiceduck app has eliminated all this and carry out these functions in one app. Complete solution for all your custom billing software needs.

    "Erica Moris"
  • It was complicated for me to set up a recurring profile for retainer clients for my business. With Invoiceduck, I can easily create recurring and auto billing profiles to send the automated bill to clients. It's great for my business. Now I manage to receive recurring revenue easily. Choosing Invoiceduck as the custom invoice software was one of the best decisions for my business to create custom business invoices.

    "Henry Raymond"
  • For my contractor business, I needed a solution that replaces an outdated manual invoicing system. Invoiceduck made it simpler and easier to invoice. Now, I spend less time manually and more time to help clients with their queries. Incredibly intuitive invoicing software.

    "Jacob Davis"
  • With easy to use invoicing solution, Invoiceduck helps me to track billable hours and generate detailed invoices for clients. I can easily create customized clean invoices which are a top priority for my business.

    "Mason Brown"
  • As a small business owner, I wanted to bill clients, get paid quickly and check finances when I'm on the road. With Invoiceduck, everything is possible on the go. I would highly recommend Invoiceduck. The daunting billing process now becomes painless and lets you focus on doing great work.

    " Daniel Jones"
  • When I began my real estate firm, I hated invoicing so much that sometimes I put off sending invoices for months. Invoiceduck proved to be the best online invoicing platform that caters to professionalism and quickly sent out estimates and invoices on the spot.

    "Harry Clark"

Frequently Asked Question